If you've seen any of my videos, you'll notice that I try my best to keep my evaluations "Real". I say the good with the bad, and don't pull any punches. I'll admit, there are some products that I don't care for, and choose not to do videos. I'm the first to say that I don't know everything, and what I hate, someone else might feel is fantastic. I simply leave those products alone, and let others express their opinions.
Now, to my point. There have been a few products I've felt obligated to do videos which, don't have a 100% favorable evaluation. When these are posted, the phone calls come rushing in from the manufacturers, the distributors, or often, both. The "toss down" comment is always, "I saw your video. How's that working for you?" In other words, how many have I sold.
I'm not stupid, and understand that when I point out more bad points, than good, I risk not selling any of that product. I could stand up in front of the camera, point out features, or only point out features that I like, and leave all the bad features to myself. I have Internet access, so I've seen other video reviews where they do just that. After watching I always shake my head and wonder if people honestly believe what they have to say...
I started out 4 years ago doing just that. I would stand up, point out the products features, and leave it at that. After one or two, I just didn't like this approach. If I was watching, I would want to hear the bad with the good. Ever since, this has been my mission. No product is perfect.
Has it hurt my bottom line? Well, do people buy products that I don't have 51% good to say? Probably not. I have just this to say about that... I COULD CARE LESS...! If you have a great product, it will come out. If it sucks, then it shouldn't sell. It's that easy. There are way too many products that are great, to have them get the same review as the products that fall flat.
I get calls and emails every week from customers who say, "Hey Todd, I wish I had found your video's before I bought my last helmet/jacket/bag. I watched it, and you would have saved me a ton of money. You're right, it's not what I envisioned."
I will continue calling it like I see it. If there are those out there that prefer not hearing the bad with the good, and they choose to buy somewhere else, that's fine.
For all of the Manufacturers and Distributors out there... I would embrace different viewpoints, and work on fixing the things that need fixing. Because I'm honest, when you do hit it out of the park, I will be your best ambassador. Don't shoot the messenger...!