Wednesday, October 7, 2009

High-End helmets. They worth it??

Times have been better, and in the last 2 years it's hard to not have been effected. Either personally, or indirectly. Even I have found myself being a little more thrifty when it comes to where my money goes. This is simply the smart move. The high-end helmet market has seen the biggest impact. Not everyone has $500 lying around for one piece of equipment.

I feel there is a VERY specific person who takes the leap into the high-end helmet market...

The most common are the 30+ riders (I include myself in this category). These riders are more likely to have owned a high-end helmet in the past, and understand the value. Often they've owned less expensive helmets, and have found their limitations. Spending the extra $300 is something they have accepted, and most importantly, have seen the results. It's not a "mystery" purchase. I joke in the store everyday that it's easier to take a step up the helmet ladder, than to take a step back... Once you're ridden with a helmet that is exceptional, you're ruined for

The second group (which includes many of the above) are riders who ride everyday. Either to work, or are retired. These riders want their helmets to preform, and understand that while a less expensive helmet can meet their needs, the high-end models do it just a bit better. It's worth it to spend the extra money now, since they "live" in the thing 2 hours (or longer) a day. It's simply,"the right tool for the job."

While there are several more categories, that I won't list here, I'll end it with this last one. The riders who have been riding for years, have owned less expensive helmets in the past, and have come to the conclusion that it's time to make the leap. These riders have a list a mile long (which is good), and if they spend the extra money, they want a HUGE return on their investment. If the step up from mid-priced models, the the high-end models isn't AMAZING, they might as well stay where they're at... When I speak to these riders, questions are a HUGE must. Finding the "right" helmet takes time, but every second is worth it. The rider, nor I, want the end result to anything less than perfect.

I've lectured many times (and continue too), that not everyone needs a high-end model. There are less expensive options out there that will fill their needs. However, if you choose to make the leap, seek out someone you trust and get the information you need. Not all high-end helmets are the same. If you get yourself into a high-end model that doesn't meet your needs, you're wasting your money.