Monday, June 16, 2008

Getting back on the track..

I'll admit it, I have a very compulsive personality. When I do something, I just plain do it. The same held true when I decided to start a Helmet Harbor Race Team. It started off slow, but grew into a huge deal and expense. Huge enclosed trailer, truck, 3 race bikes, 4 easy-ups, outdoor coolers, fresh tires twice a weekend, you name it. Not to mention the 4 National race schools I attended to get "just a little faster." When all was said and done, I had a HUGE amount invested in equipment, and each weekend (sometimes 3 a month) were costing me 3k.

I get asked, "What happened?" all the time. I simply say, all involved got mentally tired. What started as fun, turned into stress. We stopped being thrilled to just be on the grid, into "I've got to beat that guy, and that guy, Hell, all of them." If one of us did poor, everyone felt it. Attitudes toward the sport simply changed.

Personally I could see a change. When I started I was in the back. Everyone beat me. Near the end, I felt I had a chance to win. I had bumped to the expert class, and was finishing high. I was actually hanging with guys who were AMA fast. In a nutshell, I got good. The younger guys on our team could feel me breathing down their necks, and because of that, didn't have an issue stuffing me in corners to keep ahead. By the way, this was mutual. In some races our team finished 1, 2, 3 and 4, and from the stands we looked like a freight train going around the track. Our bikes matched, and it was easy to see how well we were doing as a team.

The end came rather simple. Near the beginning of year 4 I put my guys in a room and asked if they wanted to continue. All said that they had enough, and that fast it was over. The trailer was sold, the hauler traded, and the bikes/gear placed in storage. Other than the occasional track day, we never came close to a track.

This brings me back to the present. I've had a break, and the itch is returning. However, this time it's going to much more simple, and would need to be for me to even think about a comeback. No team, just me. I hauled bikes for others for 4 years, I will be getting some payback. No trailer, hauler, just me and my bike.

Why, after a 3 year break? Simple, my attitude has changed, and I'm not all about beating, anyone... I think this time I will focus more on helping younger, and new riders. Put those schools to work and try to pass on a little of what I've been shown. Sure, I can see myself racing a little, but back as a amateur. Good bye white plate, hello yellow. New bike? Maybe, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. My old trusty steed will do just fine for what I have planned.

I was told by a track manager that, "Todd, if you get your times down, I will bump you to expert. You know that right? I don't see you with a yellow plate long." Well, if that holds true, and I'm at that level again, I guess I'll bump. Funny how before bumping up was all I thought about, now it sounds disappointing. The difference this time will be, I won't be pushing myself to make every pass, or out to out-break everyone. If it happens, great. It's going to be about going out, having fun, and having new stories to tell. That simple.

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