Saturday, March 30, 2013

Modular - (Flip-Up) Helmets?

I get asked all the time what I "personally" think of the modular helmets on the market.  Of course I carry models from both Nolan (because I REALLY like their stuff) and Scorpion.  But, would I personally wear one?


Now is that to say that they are terrible helmets?  Nope, just that my "riding style" doesn't match up well with the features of a flip-up helmet.  Remember, it's about finding the "right" tool for "your" job.  I have never had a need to flip up the front of my helmet, so I don't have a "need" for a flip-up helmet.

With that being said, who buys a flip-up helmet?  After speaking with 100's of riders, it really comes down to one thing, progression.

All riders walk a different, but simular path when it comes to gear.  We buy something we "think" will work, only later to re-write the list.  It's during the re-write that riders head in the direction of a flip-up helmet.  Maybe they find themselves NOT wanting to remove their helmet just to pump gas?  Or maybe they live in a climate that's cooler than Arizona (not hard) and want to keep their heads warm while they smoke a cigarette?  Ride a full-fairing bike, and have the craving of getting the chin bar out of the way when the weather is perfect?

In other words, by riding with other products, most move naturally into a flip-up helmet.  They buy one, like it, but crave additional features.  This is where Nolan, and other premium manufactures step in.

While I won't put up a fight if a new rider wants to start with a flip-up helmet, I will point out the following...
  • Flip-up helmets are heavier than the comparable full-face model.
  • They are noisier (typically).  Few have the cash to buy the only semi-quiet flip-up, the  Schuberth C3
If you can justify these two potential challenges, then go right ahead and buy a flip-up.  It might just be the perfect "tool" for your riding style.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

No HELMET? You're an IDIOT.


If you think NOT wearing a helmet is acceptable, you're an IDIOT!

How could anyone climb onto the seat of a two wheel (or three) motorcycle, with no "Cage" to protect you, jump into traffic surrounded by people looking to KILL YOU, zing up to 70MPH, and think falling down isn't going to happen...?

Not to mention the THIN patch of rubber, completely dependent on a clean road to keep you upright.

Even these IDIOTS wear helmets
Oh, how about you being distracted, and putting YOURSELF in harms way..?  SHUT UP, we've all done it!

If you think NOT YOU, you're an IDIOT..!

If you're one of the many riders who think a baseball cap, a dew rag, or a pair of bitch'en sunglasses will help in a fall, you're an IDIOT..!

OK, maybe you're part of the "Freedom Rules" crowd.  Wearing a helmet restricts you're "motorcycling experience".  It's all about the wind in your hair, and nothing between you and the open road?  Answer?  You're an IDIOT.

Oh wait..!  Wearing a helmet isn't Harley fashionable?  You're an IDIOT.

Part of the "Helmets cause injury" crowd?  You're an IDIOT!

Wait, if you crash, a helmet won't help?  You're an IDIOT!

Helmets are uncomfortable, so not wearing one makes sense.  Who wants to be distracted by an ill fitting helmet?  Umm, you're an IDIOT!

Have you ever...

  • Bumped you head getting into your car?
  • Been hit in the head by a rock during a rock throwing fight (typically as a kid...)?
  • Slipped hitting your head?
  • Had your "bell" rung?
Let me point out the obvious.  Your BRAIN makes everything else work.  If it's damaged, you're life will change.  Not only will you be DIFFERENT, you're FAMILY will be forever changed.

With this being true, there are still people who CHOOSE to ride a motorcycle without a helmet.  These IDIOTS think that they are special, and that they're somehow exercising their right to CHOOSE for themselves.  A GOD GIVEN right to leave the helmet in the store, where it belongs.  

These riders are IDIOTS.

The GOOD PART is, this can be a temporary condition.  Also, MANY of us have had bouts with STUPIDITY.  Myself included.  Years ago, I used EVERY excuse above.  I was a SELFISH IDIOT, only thinking my CHOICE would only effect me.  I experienced the revelation, and I'm proud to say I'm a RECOVERING IDIOT.  I ALWAYS wear a helmet.

I've used IDIOT to describe those that CHOOSE to go bare headed in this Blog, but lets face it, if you're making this choice, you're an IDIOT.  

Walk into my store, and convince me that not wearing a helmet makes sense.  I'll call you an IDIOT, right before I pound your theory into the ground.  The conversation will be short, because I hate talking to IDIOTS.

Look, you're smart.  As a matter of fact, you're so SMART that you've managed to convince yourself that NOT wearing a helmet makes perfect sense.  That the odds are so small of having an accident, that it's worth the risk.  And if your superior riding skills can't get you out of a tight situation, you'll avoid a serious head injury because you're simply, "YOU!"

There is NO WAY of convincing those that ride without a helmet that they're IDIOTS.  They're SUPERHUMAN, and we're mear mortals.  It typically takes the DEATH of a close riding buddy.  A wife or girlfriend with amazing mind control powers.  Or an accident where God stepped in, saving the helmet-less IDIOT.

I was blunt, and I'M NOT SORRY.  While you might think a helmet is simply an inconvenience, EVERYONE else see's it as a tool to save your life.

Oh, and those of you that think this article was put together because I sell motorcycle helmets, YOU'RE AN IDIOT..!

No helmet still?  OK, your CHOICE.  I hope you at least enjoyed reading my RANT.  If you get in an accident on your next motorcycle ride, it could be the LAST TIME you can read...  Nice choice, IDIOT.


Todd's the Owner of - The Helmet Harbor, LLC

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Garmin - Zumo 665LM Motorcycle GPS

Who doesn't want all the latest gadgets on their bikes?  GPS is a HUGE ingredient in having fun on motorcycle trips.  It allows you to explore, turning off the pre-planned route, without fear of getting lost...  HUGE!  Many a time I've turned onto a County RD, not knowing where it went...  I just enjoyed the country side.

The Garmin Zumo 665LM is the top model, and I expected nothing but great things before the evaluation.  I ended up being disappointed...

I cover all the details in the below video, but in a nut shell, the Garmin Zumo 665LM filters many of the smart phones features.  It's in the middle, between the smart phone, and the bluetooth helmet communicator.  Because of this placement, it filters features.

For more information, head to my website.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Smart/Straight Advise - Helmet Wisdom 101

I promise, SHORT and SWEET...

NEW RIDERS - A Suggestion

  • YOU DON'T BUY SAFETY..!  Regardless of what the pundits out there lecture, if the helmet you're buying is DOT, it's safe.  SNELL - Optional.  ECE 22.05 (European) - Yummy..!
  • DOT is NOT a bad standard..!  Some say that the lack of a chin-bar strike during testing process is a HIT (no pun intended).  I disagree.  EVERY flip-up, open-face, and half helmet are DOT only.  Does this mean everyone of these models is unsafe?  Here, I'll answer that for you, NOPE..!
  • BUY FEATURES..!  Need venting, make sure it vents...  Weight an issue, buy something light.  Strange head-shape?  Buy the correct shape...  Yes, getting one, or more, might add to the cost, but it's well worth it.
  • DON'T spend more that $200.00 on your first helmet.  You may end up loving it, but odds are, you'll find fault.  "Damn, I wished this thing vented better..!"  Experience makes for a FACT based wish list, and your next helmet will be closer to perfect.  Spend more, THEN.


  • Shop FEATURES.  You know what, so don't SETTLE..!
  • Release the kung fu grip on your wallet, and be open to spending more.  If you ride 7 days a week, buy the correct tool for the job..!  If it's between two helmets within your budget, and the more expensive helmet fits the bill better, put on your big boy pants, and buy the more expensive helmet.
  • Think LONG TERM.  The helmet you're about to buy should last you MANY years.  If you spend a bit more, and the helmet has the ideal features, you won't be talking to me for a while.
  • You've reach the SPOILED zone.  Stepping up in helmets is easier than stepping back.
motorcycle helmets - expert
  • FEATURES, and more FEATURES.  Because you know exactly what you need, you can often bounce around a bit between manufactures with confidence.  Switching to a dual-sport helmet from a full-face...  Doable.  Bouncing to a open-face from a full, EASY.
  • Don't allow yourself to get "Brand Lockup".  If you're in an Arai, don't assume all other helmets won't compare.  Even Arai updates their models, which means the helmet will be different.
  • Experience won't condition you to wear JUNK.  You typically WON'T become more accepting of the lesser brands.  The opposite is true.  Unlike the new and intermediate riders, small imperfections in performance scream out in only seconds.  Your SPOILED..!  Accept it, and buy "experience appropriate..."
Whether your a beginner or experienced, one things holds true.  If you're in a helmet that isn't as PERFECT as possible, it'll take away from the ride.  There IS a helmet out there for EVERYONE.!  You just need to talk with someone who understands this...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

WARNING - Non-Motorcycle Related - Too Damn FAT!


If you're skinny, bounce away now.  Nothing of what I'm about to say has ANYTHING to do with your current condition.  Were you FAT at some point, and lost weight?  Great for you, and so have I.  The problem is, I'm right back to where I started, FAT..!

First, I'm going to use the "words" I feel fit best.  If you're FAT, don't expect me to use terms like weight challenged, big boned, overweight, or even chunky...  I look FAT, I feel FAT, and my waistline tells me I'm FAT.  Are there other terms I'm not going to mention throughout this Blog?  Yep, but I'm done rattling on about this stupid subject, so it's time to go to the second point.

In regard to lifestyle, I'm going to use the word LAZY.  Yes, I have a day full of "stuff", but the fact is I CHOOSE to NOT make time for exercise.  I'm LAZY.

Diet.  I eat everything that sounds good, AND I eat too much.  I eat GARAGE.  Do I eat vegtables, meats, whole grain bread, and diet pop?  Yep, but I also eat massive amounts of stuff that would kill a lab rat.  Me @ the restaurant, "Yes, could you bring me a salad, but I need EXTRA Ranch dressing on the side."  Extra, Extra, EXTRA..!

I've decided to set a goal to loose 50lbs in 60 days.  I can hear it now, "Oh Todd, that's not healthy..!  You need to change your lifestyle, not just make a few crazy changes..!  You're just going to end up right back here.  You need a lifestyle change, not a temporary fix."  Well, to HELL with that.  I need results.  Drastic results and I know how to get them.

One quick story (oh no, right):  In 2003 I created a motorcycle race team, and put myself on it.  I was about the same weight as I am now, 250lbs.  Owning a motorcycle helmet empire (lol) I figured I could simply get by on natural talent, and superior intellect (lol).  I got beat bad, and because I was so FAT, I barley finished.  The next season I started training.  I went on a low carb diet, hit the gym everyday, and was down to 195 in only a couple of months.  While I wasn't finishing first, I was always in the top 5.

Because I did what I did, I have this to look back on.  I also know I can get there again.

Bottom line, it worked for me.

I'm not going to dive into why everyone reading this relates, or laughs (or both).  Honestly, I could careless.  No one knows what motivates me better, than me.  I do well with over the top goals, extensive time restraints, and huge crowds of people telling me I'm an idiot.  These are motivators.  I wasn't blessed with a body that burns 5000 calories a day sitting at my desk.

So, I loose the 50lbs, in the 60 days, then what?  Well, I take a moment and reflect, eat something I haven't in 60 days, and figure out the next step.  My focus?  To make a different decision as the last 15

Now, Weight Loss Wars...  I know NOTHING other than what I've read on their website.  You sign up for free, you create a GROUP, and you battle each other by loosing weight.  You can track everyones progress, and even set a PRIZE amount for the person who looses the most weight.  ME LIKEY THAT.

Looking through the site, it appears that to start a WAR, it costs $10 a person.  If that sounds like something you can handle EMAIL me and I'll set one up.  I was thinking about offering up a $100 Store Credit to the person who looses the highest percentage of body FAT.  Confused?  It's the same system they use on The Biggest Looser TV show.  Your weight - pounds lost = percentage of weight lost.

Let me KNOW ASAP.  If I set this up let EVERYONE know, and have them join.  Maybe together we can start off the 2013 riding season a few pounds lighter.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

#1 Overlooked fitting step.

While I've been fitting motorcycle helmets @ The Helmet Harbor, LLC for almost 14 years, it still amazes me how many riders have "bowling ball" round heads, but are running around town in a "submarine" oval helmet.

After a few questions, it's apparent that they were sold the wrong bill of goods.  Swamp land in Florida...  You get the idea; they were given the wrong advise.  Some customers are so convinced, they start to argue their case.  Not smart; they loose that battle every time...

Now, you would think that something like shape would be easy.  We all know what round is, so anything other than that would be oval, right?  Well, there is some truth to this way of thinking.  Round can't be oval, and vice-verse a.  However, for some reason many of us don't start at truly round, it's somewhere closer to oval.

When I ask, "is your head basketball round?" I get a funny look, followed by "of course not.."  Slowly, it starts to make sense.  Round is round, even when talking human heads.

A quick rant on shape, and how what Country you live in can matter.  Europeans (on average) have ROUNDER heads than we do here in the USA.  If a company is a European brand, odds are they have a different perspective of what shape fits best.  Companies focusing on the USA are typically longer oval, because we're their primary market.

Match up the shape of your helmet, with those that buy your stuff...

The simple truth is, if your head is basketball round, you'll NEVER find a helmet to match your shape, but we can get close.  The same goes for super long oval shapes.  In these cases it's not about perfection.  My goal as a helmet sales guy is to get you into something that matches your shape the closest  and doesn't interfere with the FUN of riding a motorcycle.

I would say only 10% of those that walk into my store fall into this category.  Everyone else (the other 90%) should walk out with a helmet that's spot on.

Many factors can screw this up, to include wallet thickness.  If the only helmet that fits is an Arai RX-Q, but you have a Scorpion EXO-500 budget, perfection is rare.  In this case I'm shooting for 90% of perfect.  Which is 100% better than what most people get in a typical Dealership.

So, if you're on the hunt for a new helmet, DON'T focus on just size.  Pay attention to the shape.  Do you get ANY pressure on your forehead?  Does it feel like you're wearing a vice grip?  Against popular belief, you don't need to wear a helmet for an hour to figure out if it fits.  Most know in the first 5 second if they're tuned into the SHAPE.

What NOT to DO.

  1. Move up a size to make a helmet "work".
  2. Ignore fit issues, thinking they will go away after "Break-In"
What TO DO.
  1. Try on the helmet WITHOUT the cheek pads installed.
  2. Go right off the sizing chart.  If it doesn't feel right, it's the wrong shape.
  3. Walk out of a store thinking the fit will improve.  A bad fitting helmet, only becomes "less" uncomfortable.
  4. Take the salesman's "word" for anything.  Do your own research.
The answer is YES..!  Oh, that's the answer to "can helmets be purchased online?"  If you're talking to someone who understands the fitting process, you can buy a helmet with 100% confidence.  However, if you're talking to someone who doesn't have a clue, expect bad results.  There's a SHAPE out there for EVERYONE.  You just need to know where to buy...