Saturday, March 16, 2013

Smart/Straight Advise - Helmet Wisdom 101

I promise, SHORT and SWEET...

NEW RIDERS - A Suggestion

  • YOU DON'T BUY SAFETY..!  Regardless of what the pundits out there lecture, if the helmet you're buying is DOT, it's safe.  SNELL - Optional.  ECE 22.05 (European) - Yummy..!
  • DOT is NOT a bad standard..!  Some say that the lack of a chin-bar strike during testing process is a HIT (no pun intended).  I disagree.  EVERY flip-up, open-face, and half helmet are DOT only.  Does this mean everyone of these models is unsafe?  Here, I'll answer that for you, NOPE..!
  • BUY FEATURES..!  Need venting, make sure it vents...  Weight an issue, buy something light.  Strange head-shape?  Buy the correct shape...  Yes, getting one, or more, might add to the cost, but it's well worth it.
  • DON'T spend more that $200.00 on your first helmet.  You may end up loving it, but odds are, you'll find fault.  "Damn, I wished this thing vented better..!"  Experience makes for a FACT based wish list, and your next helmet will be closer to perfect.  Spend more, THEN.


  • Shop FEATURES.  You know what, so don't SETTLE..!
  • Release the kung fu grip on your wallet, and be open to spending more.  If you ride 7 days a week, buy the correct tool for the job..!  If it's between two helmets within your budget, and the more expensive helmet fits the bill better, put on your big boy pants, and buy the more expensive helmet.
  • Think LONG TERM.  The helmet you're about to buy should last you MANY years.  If you spend a bit more, and the helmet has the ideal features, you won't be talking to me for a while.
  • You've reach the SPOILED zone.  Stepping up in helmets is easier than stepping back.
motorcycle helmets - expert
  • FEATURES, and more FEATURES.  Because you know exactly what you need, you can often bounce around a bit between manufactures with confidence.  Switching to a dual-sport helmet from a full-face...  Doable.  Bouncing to a open-face from a full, EASY.
  • Don't allow yourself to get "Brand Lockup".  If you're in an Arai, don't assume all other helmets won't compare.  Even Arai updates their models, which means the helmet will be different.
  • Experience won't condition you to wear JUNK.  You typically WON'T become more accepting of the lesser brands.  The opposite is true.  Unlike the new and intermediate riders, small imperfections in performance scream out in only seconds.  Your SPOILED..!  Accept it, and buy "experience appropriate..."
Whether your a beginner or experienced, one things holds true.  If you're in a helmet that isn't as PERFECT as possible, it'll take away from the ride.  There IS a helmet out there for EVERYONE.!  You just need to talk with someone who understands this...

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